The Malamute’s is a strong, active, powerful, intelligent, independent, and gentle dog.
Only by living with the Malamute you will understand and appreciate his character.
The Malamute considers you part of his pack
The Malamute originally was bred for working and surviving under the hardest conditions. This still determines his current character: survival = first me and then you.
The Malamute cannot be compared to the more popular breeds like shepherds or retrievers, and for good reason: his temperament and the many primal drives he still has do not make him one of the easiest breeds.
The key with a Malamute is coexistence and respect.
The Malamutes actions must always have a purpose.
The Malamute does need a tough approach, but he need one with expertise. So you should study dog behavior and language!
Malamutes are very clear in their behavior towards dogs: their body language is unmistakable. Despite the fact that they have to run for a sled with other dogs, that does not mean that they always like strange dogs and want to play.
It will be good that from an early age you start socializing your Malamute in a wide variety of situations and other dogs from differents breeds; this will make him confident and at the same time balanced and calm.
It is the dogs need to be respected and to have a place of his own where no one (including children) goes to disturb him!
Adult Malamutes are not friends with other dogs and the Malamute owner will need to keep his dog from trying to show all other dogs who is the strongest. Especially when males reach sexual maturity, they start to consider other males as serious competitors. When they start fighting, things can get really hard and the winner’s experience allows him to become the scare of the neighborhood.
Most Malamutes have an average tolerance towards children. But only as a puppy are well socialized with children and have not had any bad experiences.
Malamutes are not suitable “playmates” not only because of their size and sometimes rudeness but also because they have completely different interests than children.
Malamutes can use not only their legs, but also their head. Obedience training, tracking and even agility are therefore excellent activities for a Malamutee
If the Malamute has less exercise he will put his energy into other things: trying to dig in the garden, turning a sofa into a chair. If he also has to stay home alone then he just give a crying concert for the whole neighborhood! Because they are still real pack animals, some can have trouble with being home alone and they express this by letting everyone hear where they are.
Some Malamutes are quite food-oriented, after all they are bred to survive.
Other animals are prey. The urge to survive is very deeply rooted, including his hunting instinct. Most dog breeds sometimes chase a cat as a game, Malamutes really still pretend to be a wolf. That means they hunt, kill and eat if given the chance.
We can say that the Malamute needs space, motion and contact with its owner. If you don’t have time to walk or train them, then don’t bring a puppy in your family.
Alaskan Malamutes are a joy to live with, but need an active lifestyle to make sure their needs are met.
They are a loyal companion with a tremendous personality, if raised correctly, they will give you the most rewarding and challenging relationship.